Checklist for an Article Review Process
Doktora tezimi savunmuş, teslim etmiş, mezuniyet belgemi almayı beklerken bir dergiden* makale hakemliği için teklif geldi. Bu ilk hakemlik deneyimim öncesi Elsevier'ın makale hakemliği ile ilgili önerilerinin olduğu sayfayı dikkatle inceledim. Bu ve bundan sonraki değerlendirmelerimde bir hatırlatma ve kontrol listesi olması amacıyla aşağıdaki özeti hazırladım.
*Accident Analysis & Prevention (Elsevier); impact factor: 2,7.
Reviewer Checklist
- Summarize the article (a short paragraph)
- Your impressions:
- Is novel and interesting?
- Has a sufficient impact?
- Adds to the knowledge base?
- Covers the journal’s priorities?
- Ethical concerns if any
- Specific comments and suggestions about;
- Layout and format,
- Title,
- Abstract,
- Introduction,
- Graphical Abstracts and/or Highlights,
- Method,
- Statistical errors,
- Results,
- Conclusion/Discussion,
- Language,
- References.
- Recommendation:
- Reject
- Accept (no revision)
- Revise
- Major or minor? (explain)
- Interested in reviewing the revised article?
- Give your overall opinion and general observations
- Be courteous and constructive
- No remarks or details about yourself (such as name)
- Insight of any deficiencies
- Explain and support your judgement and comments clearly
- Differentiate between own opinions and comments based on data
Adapted from:
See also:
COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers
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